
黑歌手 242 字 10个月前

【每日如学】2023年7月12日你们一定要明白,如果过于激进、过于拼搏、不顾一切地做某件事的话,很难持久地坚持下去。所以,古人一直在强调,我们做事要循序渐进,要遵循事物的发展规律,欲速则不达。雪漠 著《雪漠说老子:让孩子爱上〈道德经〉》July 12, 2023You must understand that, if you are too bold, too aggressive, and too desperate when doing something, it is quite difficult for you to keep it up. Hence, ancient people kept emphasizing that we should do things one at a time in order, respecting the laws of the development of things. The more you desire speed, the less likely you will get there in time.Xue Mo